Feedback and Complaints about the Accessibility of Goods and Services
1. HomeLife/Realty One, Ltd., Commitment
HomeLife/Realty One, Ltd., strives to meet and surpass the expectations of everyone we serve. Feedback regarding HomeLife/Realty One, Ltd., and others who provide services on behalf of HomeLife/Realty One, Ltd., and the manner in which they provide services to persons with disabilities will be used for service improvements.
2. How to Give Feedback or Make a Complaint
An inclusive and accessible feedback process utilizes multiple channels. For this reason feedback and complaints may be provided by the following methods; in person, by telephone, by email or other electronic means, in writing, or other reasonable methods.
To improve the effectiveness of addressing feedback and complaints, it is recommended that feedback be given as soon as possible.
3. Complaints Process
i. First Step
Staff and others providing goods and services on behalf of HomeLife/Realty One, Ltd., should attempt to resolve complaints with customers immediately.
If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached the complainant will be given the option of taking their complaint to the next step.
ii. Second Step
Customers should address complaints with the Brokerage Manager. The two parties should work together to find a satisfactory resolution.
iii. Third Step
Complaints that are Not Resolved in the Second Step and all Other Complaints
Complaints that are not resolved with store managers or assistant store managers and all other unresolved complaints should be directed to:
Office manager
Telephone: 416-922-5533
Email: accessibility@
Fax: 416-922-5808
Mail: Attention: Accessibility
Office/Human Resources Manager
HomeLife/Realty One, Ltd.
501 Parliament Street
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1P3